Thursday, December 16, 2010


A few readers have been asking what has happened to my blog.  It has not been updated for a while already.

I have been a little busy with work as the year draws to an end.  Coupled with some shopping spree and meeting up with my friend, I have not been posting as consistent as I have been in the past. 

There will be some post coming up shortly.  I hope it will make interesting reading to you all.  But I must state categorically that my aim for posting is not to generate traffic and fans.  I am more than pleased if you people are following what I am writing.  I certainly am not clamoring for glamor.

Thanks for reading people and have a great week!


Lucifer said...

oooohhh..... a "friend" huh? haha

Skyhawk said...

Yea..who is the 'friend'? Anyway, keep coming...

carpe diem said...

Lucifier..Yes. A friend. :)

Skyhawk...Well he is a friend. How else can I describe him?
