Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lonely, Void & Empty

I will dread this three day weekend.  I was hoping to get away but it did not materialize.  Many friends are away too.  I know a lot of us deserve this break.  I was kinda looking forward to it too.  But I must admit that I am a bit flustered. 

It is on holidays like that that I feel down.  Really down.  Some will be with their loved ones.  Many would have planned ahead for another experience of their lifetime.  Others would go on vacation.

Normally I am quite reserved.  I am more of an introvert.   I seldom voice out what is so deep in my heart and soul. 

Today, I feel really lonely, void and completely empty.


Legolas said...

You still can get away if you want to. Pamper yourself sometimes. It's good for the soul.

Try to think positive. Imagine the things you wanted to do but didn't get around to. Do them this weekend.

savante said...

Get a book! Get a DIY project!

plainjoe said...

Have some "me" time - dont just do things that you have to do but things that you WANT to do. Solitude can be a great journey of self discovery =)

carpe diem said...

Legolas...Yeah. Cleaning and clearing all the rubbish that is cluttering my place.

savante...I don't read much nowadays. If I do it is non fiction.

plainjoe...I have had too much of that type of time. So that is the problem.
